Tuesday, May 14, 2024

James Arthur - Bitter Sweet Love 2024 World Tour


Can you ever get fed up of going to concerts? 

Heck NO! 😃 and last night, Monday, May 13th for my mothers day gift, I took my daughters, Seren & Carys, along with Jason to see James Arthur in concert. It was Seren & Carys first ever concert!

James' opening act was Forest Blakk! And if you don't know him - he's amazing.

I didn't video 3 of the songs - as I've got those form last time I saw James Arthur in concert.  The set list -

Bittersweet Love, Blindside, Empty Space, Can I Be Him, Come Back Kid, Sermon, Rewrite the Stars, Naked, Train Wreck, Thousand Years, Car's Outside, Impossible, Say You Won't Let Go.

You can watch the video's from the concert last night on my YouTube channel.


Carys and Me.

Bitter Sweet Love


Falling Like The Stars

Train Wreck

Thousand Years

Say You Won't Let Go

Me, Carys & Seren at the end of the concert.

If you ever get the chance to go see James in concert - You'll love it.


Forest Blakk

 I love it when you go to a concert and end up knowing the singer who is the supporting act! 

That's what it was like last night at the James Arthur - Bitter Sweet Love 2024 World Tour.

Forest Blakk was James' supporting act! And Forest was amazing!

As per usual the videos I took were too long! 

But you can watch the videos on my YouTube Channel

Also at the end of Forest's set, he gave my daughter Carys one of his guitar picks! It made her day.


Thursday, December 7, 2023

'Few Of My Favorite Things' - Damascus Ward Relief Society Christmas Social.

How blessed are we?

When you think of everything we have in our lives, be it, home, family, children, food, or 'favorite things', are we truly blessed? I, myself, will say, yes! Wholeheartedly.

Others may say, oh, heck no. My life sucks, I wish I had this or that, life hasn't dealt me good luck, etc... Etc.

Yet, we are alive. We have our health, our body. Some, however,  have ailing bodies and suffer illnesses, disabilities, etc. 

Now, when you think of 'favorite things' what is the first thing that comes to mind? Books, movies, TV shows, chocolate? Or...the famous song sung by Julie Andrews in  The Sound of Music

Well, besides that song and everything else I suggested, 'my favorite things' also means - my church women's, Relief Society Christmas social. And, that is what we had last night. A fun gathering of women, enjoying each other's company, having dinner and cake, talking about favorite things, and just having fun.

This, of course, takes hours, days, and months of planning for a couple hours of fun. But, it's worth it to see everyone enjoying themselves and getting to know each other better. Even if it's knowing someone loves, lemon chicken, lemon rice, sunny days, cloudy days, twirling, singing in the car, having friends, etc. etc. 

We decided this year to use brown paper sacks, filled with a star cookie cutter and a saying from an Etsy site called 'papertagged'. I used my Cricut to make the tags with a little difference and tied them to Christ. 

'For you are one of HIS favorite things.' Instead of 'These are a few of our favorite things.'

I went simple this time around, displaying a few of my fav things - Artwork I painted/drew, pictures, Welsh wool Blankets from home, my dad's cardigan, and slippers. (Today would have been his 82nd birthday today- he passed on the 5th Dec - two days before his birthday last year) The cardigan my mam got me for my 30th and last but not least British chocolate.

Sarah brought a picture of the Temple, Kim brought a statue of Christ, Becky brought her nativity

I had sisters, including myself, make/buy cakes for our table centers which were our desserts.

Sarah made German Chocolate Bundt

Kim got a gluten-free Bundt cake

I did a Boston cream with Ferrero Rocher

Annika made a peppermint cake

Shauna made a lemon cake!

I must say a huge thank you to all the wonderful ladies who helped me set up, Sarah, Annika, Narce, Eunice, and all the sisters who helped clear away afterward.


Friday, October 13, 2023

Cian Ducrot - The Atlantis, DC Concert 2023

When you get the opportunity to go see an up-and-coming artist in concert - what do you do? You book the tickets right then and there LOL
And that's what I did for Cian Ducrot as tickets were a steal! $28 each. Mind you, I did kinda make up for the low cost of the tickets when I bought Cian's merch for sale lol 

The Atlantis was the host for Cian's concert and last night, Wednesday, Oct 11th was when we got to see Cian in the flesh and hear his awesome Irish singing voice, not to mention his keen FLUTE playing skills! What a treat that was!

I won't post every video of each song Cian sang - So here's visit my YouTube channel to view them all

But here's my fav song he sang, not that they all aren't fab.


Sunday, October 1, 2023

The Women Who Knew Christ - 2022

This post is so long overdue and as I was cleaning up my pictures (the ones for TWWKC) to make space on my laptop - I stopped and thought - did I post this with the new pictures? 

The reason behind my not posting after holding this program was my father was ill and the chances of him passing were high. I was told we could postpone - but I had spent 3 months planning and I felt the sisters of my ward needed this. 

I needed this and I found solace in serving the sister of my ward as my literal sisters were with my Dad in Wales. To those who follow me, I live across the ocean here in the USA and have been since 2004. My Dad, sisters, and two of my older children along with their kids live in Wales. Which makes times like these, really HARD to cope with. 

Although, as I set up, I had my Dad's favorite kind of music on - Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, etc. that he and mam would rock and roll to before Dad's brain hemorrhage when he was 41. I cried and I laughed, although, I probably cried more. 

When the night drew on, I stayed behind the backdrop, unable to stop my tears, not only from the program but from the feeling of such a strong spirit that all was well. Christ is with me. And the fact my dad was so ill.  Sisters came up to me after the program, tears in their eyes, all touched by the truthfulness of Christ and the testimony of the Holy Ghost witnessing to us that CHRIST LIVES - AND STILL LIVES. So, for me, this time around this program hit REALLY HARD and moved me beyond my expectations.

My dad passed 3 days later after we held this evening that focused on Christ. My life then was a blur for a week as I planned with my sisters and I flew home for more planning and my Dad's funeral. 

So, here we are now, nearly a year later posting this.

I will say this, I've already had a number of requests to send them a copy of this program I did back in 2014 and I will say it here too...please email me and I will send you the copy, gladly. As it is a wonderful program that focuses on Christ and the Women who knew HIM.

This time around, I wanted pictures of CHRIST on every table and everywhere else - entryway, food, and drinks. Afterall this program is all about our Savoir, Jesus Christ.
I purchased these wonderful olive garlands from Tablecloths Factory Which gives each table along with the lights  and muslin a nice touch.

As a gift from the Relief Society, I painstakingly made wood ornaments that feature all of CHRIST's names and pictures of CHRIST. I displayed many on the trees and then the rest in the take-home basket

I have one at home and it's the last tree to go up. It means the most and I ponder each name and picture of CHRIST as I place them on the tree. I hope that from that night each sister felt inspired and went home and with their families had a CHRIST TREE

I also purchased these photography backdrops.
One of the Nativity and one of the City of David in Jerusalem.
Sisters, were eager to take a picture in front of these.

I brought my pictures of CHRIST to display also. The wooden stars, I made at a RS Super Sat

We kept the food simple as in the previous time I planned this program. Dates, almonds, grapes, nuts, seeds, apricots, humus, tomatoes, cheese, pita bread, crackers. etc.
And yes, you spy chocolates. I cannot do any RS activity without incorporating chocolate

As the Savior promised, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27). The life and teachings of Jesus Christ give us ways to feel His peace if we will turn to Him.


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