
Friday, October 31, 2014

My Writing - Daddy's Girl

I can't remember being afraid of many 'things' during my childhood but there were the usual suspects... Spiders. Although, having a resident daddy longlegs in our downstairs toilet didn't help at first, but over a couple of weeks the spider was rightly named, Harry and I overcame that fear. The other fear I had was, drowning and still is. Yet, those weren't the ones that brought the ugliness and weight of fear to our door the night of Wednesday January 7th, 1981. A fear which, I never expected to face.
Do you think it will stick daddy?”
I stood by the edge of the window frame, my body holding back the heavy brown brocade curtains. My hands splayed either side of my freckled face, which was pressed against the pane and my eyes were as wide as saucers. Large glistening flakes floated down from the heavens, just like feathers escaping from an overflowing pillowcase. Watchful of the way the snow whirled around lamp posts, hedges and dance across the rooftops like ice skaters gliding across a frozen expanse. Each delicate flake sought out every nook and cranny as they gently nestled together building upon each other and constructing mini snow hills.
A head peeked through the curtains above mine, “I think it just might stick and look at it how it swooshing up the road, it looks like dry snow.” My father stepped back.
Dry snow? Snow is wet, there's no such thing as dry snow!” I scrunched my eyes as I tried to figure out what dry snow looked like, “So what does dry snow look like?” I shuffled back and rubbed my chilly nose with my cold hands.
My father chuckled, his eyes smiling as he said, “What I mean is, the weather is just right for a good snow fall and the wind is what's making the snow twist and swirl.” He raised his eyebrows, “We may even get some snow drifts.”
Really!” I jiggled like a bowl of jelly, “So, no school tomorrow?” I pulled a silly face.
Maybe? But right now, it's bedtime.”
I huffed, “Oh dad!” I pushed my lips together and made a fish pout and my batted my baby blues and said, “Do I have to?”
My father stuck out his thumb towards the door, he grinned and said, “Bed.”
My plan had been foiled, yet again, “Okay.” My shoulders slouched in defeat and I made sure I took my sweet time walking towards the door.
My father carried me up the stairs, like he'd done every night before. He lovingly set me down on my bed, tucked me in and gently laid a kiss on my forehead.
Night, night, don't let the bedbugs bite,” he said. I giggled and as he turned off the light, he said, “Love you.”
Love you too, daddy.” Tiredness overwhelmed me and my heavy eyelids fluttered shut and I slept soundly.
I tossed and turned in my snuggly warm bed as a yawn snuck free from my mouth. I rubbed my eyes, then I remembered... Snow! I shoved the comforter back with my feet and jumped out of bed, ran out of my room to the hallway and yanked back the curtains. My eyes bright and wide as I stared at the smooth blanket of snow that covered everything, even the washing line had a snow precariously balanced on the length of its rope that stretched from one side to the other. The wind had also used its magical powers to maneuver the light snowflakes and make wondrous drifts up against the side of our garden shed, the garden walls and even our dormant blackberry bush.
Yeah!” I blurted out. I darted downstairs, yelling, “Daddy, I don't have to go to school.” I burst into our back room, “Daddy? Mammy?”
No answer. I turned around and walked passed our front door, through the living room and into the kitchen looked around and nobody was in sight. I guessed they'd already seen the snow and must have clambered back into their cozy beds. I reached up on my tiptoes and grabbed the back door key, unlocked the door and opened it. “Whoa!”
I'd never seen so much snow, ever, our whole garden had been enveloped by the captivating snow. It glistened like millions of diamonds twinkling in a velvet sky and it was the most beautiful sight I'd seen. A red breasted robin landed on the snow in front of me, it hopped along, pecking here and there at the cold white expanse. I stood and watched this little bird relentlessly try to find a nibble of food. I walked over to the bread bin, grabbed some slices of bread and crumbled the bread in between my fingers then tossed it on the snow. At first the robin flew off, but within a few minutes, it flew back down and nibbled at the feast that was set out before it. My shoulders started to tremble, my teeth chattered as realized I was still in my nightshirt. I quickly closed the door and made my way to the back room, I turned on the gas fire and watched the orange, and red flames turn the dull gray panels into a blazing source of heat. I stuck my hands out and allowed the heat melt away the coldness that had gripped me from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. I closed my eyes, content to be warming up and happy that I didn't have to go to school today.
Helen.” I glanced over my shoulder, Alison walked towards me.
I smiled and said, “Have you seen the snow? It's super high.” I rubbed my hands together again, then turned around to warm the back of me.
Yeah, I've seen the snow.” Said Alison.
Isn't it cool. That means we don't have to go to school.”
I looked at my sister and furrowed my eyebrows. Then Judith walked into the room, “Did you see the snow?” I asked. She nodded. I looked at Judith again, then back at Alison. “Why aren't you happy? We don't have to go to school.”
We know.” Said Judith.
Why are you both sad?” I asked.
Alison looked at me and said, “We're not going to school... But we do have to go out in the snow.”
Were going to make snowmen? And where's mammy and daddy?” I turned back to face the warmth of the fire.
Helen, we're going to see” my sister's voice quivered, “daddy.” Said Alison.
Where's daddy, then?”
It was Judith, who spoke next, “Daddy's in the hospital and it's really bad.”
I hung my head as tears sprung up and overflowed down my cheeks. A million questions ran through my mind, my happy thoughts of building a snowman, simply melted away.
Don't cry Helen, because when we go outside your tears will freeze!” Said Judith.
A rouge giggle escaped not only from my mouth, but from my sisters too. I turned around and wiped the stream of tears from my face.
That's better, now go upstairs and get dressed, we have to leave right after breakfast.” Said Alison.
I walked towards the door, looked back and said, “I'm not hungry.”
To this day I can't remember climbing the stairs or what clothes I wore. What I do remember was the slow, cold walk through 4 – 6 ft of snow and arriving at the Hospital and waiting in the sterile smelling waiting room. Then came my turn to see my dad, I pushed open the heavy door and there lying on a hospital bed was my daddy. There was a white sheet pulled up to his midriff, his chest exposed with wires attached to his skin, a tube pushed up into his nose and an even larger tube hanging out of his mouth. Monitors beeped, wavy lines moved up and down and another monitor. I looked at my dad, who only a couple of hours ago carried me up to bed, who the day before that held my hands while I balanced on his feet as we danced to the song, My eyes adored you. I hovered for a while by the door, unsure what to do.
Come in, it's alright your daddy is just sleeping.” The nurse said as she held a clipboard in her hands.
I tentatively stepped towards the side of the bed, sat down in the chair and looked at my dad. He did look like he was fast asleep but I didn't like the tubes and wires and the constant beeping. Tears trickled down my rosy cheeks.
Talk to your daddy, he may not be able to answer you, but he can hear you.” Said the nurse.
Through my sobs I said, “Hi daddy, guess what? It snowed and you were right, the wind did make snow drifts.” 
This picture was taken in the summer of 1980
Five months before my fathers Brain Hemorrhage.

Copyright 2014 Helen Feriante. All Rights Reserved.
I am currently enrolled in an online creative writing course for Memoirs. Click HERE to visit the Memoir site. It is an 8 week course and so much fun. If you are at all interested in developing your writing, go to creative writing now to sign up for one of the great courses available. This is the 5th course I have done, so far!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Pumpkins, Pumpkins All Around

Check out this guy's amazing sculpting ability!

All from Pumpkins

I'm in AWE

Johnny Depp from the movie, Dark Shadows

Friday, October 24, 2014

Trick out Home For Halloween

This year's theme


A 30 minute craft. Spray paint a wreath, once dry, glue skull and snakes onto the wreath 
And hang,
(I got my  snakes and Skull door knocker from the Dollar Store.)

Give me a hand will you!

Hangman's noose!

Creepy Crawlies.

It's Just a bunch of 

Must have yummy Halloween Treats.
Red Velvet Cupcakes, Pumpkin spice cupcakes, topped with cream cheese frosting
And Halloween toppings!

Red Velvet Cake, frosted with Cream Cheese Marshmallow, with marshmallow spiderweb wrapped around it, and a drizzling of Blood Red Gel Icing!

Again, quick wreath, Spray it black, wrap some tulle or anything old around it.
Glue on some dollar store bought Skeletons and ribbon.
The skull and crossbones I already had.

Witchy Profile!

Jack O Lanterns!

My chalk art!

Jack O String Lanterns

Seren has recently watched Tim Burton's A nightmare before Christmas
And she likes the weirdness of the characters, especially Jack.

So, I found this String Jack O Lantern online from Disney.
Click HERE to get the pattern
And we had a go making our own.

We wrapped balloons which have been soaked in Mod Podge and simply wrapped
It around the blown up balloon. Let it  completely dry, then pop the balloon.

Cut some eyes, nose and mouth from felt and glue on using Mod Podge.

Ours may not look like the one on Disney's but Seren thinks they are great and she bursts into the song.

This is Halloween.

My Halloween Book Club Theme. 
Which I hosted last night

In in this spirit of Halloween, 
This is Halloween!

Halloween Chalk Art 2014

Finally, I Hocus Pocused myself into Halloween mode.

These are the chalk art I have done for this year.

I found all om my chalk art from good old, Google.

There are tons to choose from, so have a wicked time choosing one to do!!!

I simply outline the letters with a stick of  white chalk, 
Then, go over that using Chalkpaint markers.

Click HERE to see how I made the Jack O Lantern string garland.

An easy Witch chalkart profile and some sweet  Halloween  Tangerines.

Just take a permanent marker and draw some spooky faces on to the tangerines. 
Even the little kiddies can help to make a Halloween masterpiece on their orange :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Simple No Sew Fleece Capes

The Disney movie Frozen has become quite the regular guest in our home of late. Seren and Carys love to sing along to all the songs and adore Elsa and Anna and anything related to the characters.

In my church, (LDS) I help organize the ladies monthly activities and they can range from Hot cocoa and book swap to an auction service. However, for this month we are giving service by making scarves from fleece fabric for, The Road Home Project here in Madison. Along with making the scarves, I will be helping any of the sisters who want to make a no sew fleece cape.

                                         Although, I had to make one or two or three first :) 

The purple one is Seren's Batgirl cape :)
For this one, I just did the same as in the Joann's Craft YouTube video

First, I started with, yes, you guessed Frozen themed fleece!

I actually added and extra piece of fleece to the top on the Frozen capes.  You follow the same directions as you did for the cape. Then lay the smaller piece over the main one and thread the ribbon through both at once.

All I did was measure the same length as the cape, but the width was for Seren aged 4, I cut it at 10' wide, by the same length as the main fleece cape. For Carys, aged 2, I cut it a little smaller, at 8". 

Then I gave both edges a scalloped cut.

                                               And made my cuts and threaded the ribbon
                                                   And Viola, easy no sew fleece capes.

My girls, having fun outside, with their fleece capes.

This is how I learned how to make these capes on YouTube
How to Craft a No-Sew Cape Costume for Halloween.

Wiggle That Jiggle Away

My birthday is not far off and I will be turning 44!! ARGH and these days I tend to frown on getting older. *I STILL WANT GIFTS THOUGH ;) A few more lines mysteriously appear overnight, then there the gray hair appear (which I am blessed not to have one yet!) Phew :)

Also, we get the issue of the unwanted visitor around our midriff! Like who invited them to camp out there?  My lady hormones agreed to it and maybe my sweet affection for all delicious treats has added to it, too!

Ladies and Gents, we all get into that slump mode from time to time and those times can last for minutes, days, even weeks! It mounts up, and then snap.... We've stepped on yet another stray Lego or pointy tiara or stubbed a toe or when our little ones/teenagers have pushed our patience to the limits (hubby's, wives, family members, PMS included) that's when we reach for the salty or sweet comforts we all know and love and afterwards we tend to feel glumpy blumpy!
(The word glumpy comes from a writing buddy of mine, I think it's a great word. Check out his writing HERE)

I know I do! 

Walking Seren to school everyday looking at the beautiful  rusty reds, mustard yellows, rich orange colors of the autumn leaves, the brisk cool breeze and the scurrying squirrels with acorns in their mouths has helped sweep away the cobwebs away. I have also noticed a little decrease of my thighs, but those unwelcome campers settlers around my midriff / booty are rather stubborn.

Now, I'm not wanting to that size 0 or even a US 4, I just want to be healthier and firm up my well past post pregnancy grand canyon sized stretch marked belly.  

I'd found a YouTube video of this full of energy mother, named Jessica Byrge  at home, with her little ones making appearances as Jessica shook her booty to the latest music. So, taking the bulls by its horns - metaphorically speaking and to shake off that glumpy blumpy feeling, I stepped into action. After dropping Seren off at school today, I turned my laptop on and Wiggled that Jiggle away with dance fitness with Jessica

Let's say I had a lot of fun doing this dance workout and even my little 2 year old, Carys joined in. What about those nuisance campers around my midriff and booty, you ask? Well, they certainly got wiggled and hopefully plenty more days of jiggles will soon wiggle those unseemly squatters away :)

Check  Jessica and her cute kids shaking  along to, All about that Bass on YOUTUBE. 
(I have not been approached by Jessica to promote her dance dvd. I just think she is an inspiration to us stay at home parents, etc. That we can dance away those blues)  

Friday, October 3, 2014

Chalk Art

I have had this large picture frame for many years.
It was a deep shade of gold, it looked like this other frame I had (below)

All I did was buy a primer and paint combined in an off white.
Gave it a couple of coats and let it dry.
I also gave the glass inserts three coats of black chalkboard paint
 And let that dry in between each coat

Then, I have a friend who is doing a creative writing course along with me
We often bounce ideas off each other to help with our writing process
And one day the topic was Water.
Read his writing HERE

I loved the words he wrote, so I decided I knew exactly where I wanted to
Showcase these thought provoking words.

I quickly drew out a sketch of the words and how I wanted them to look.

Then, with my frame and newly painted chalkboard paint dried. 
I set to sketching out the words on the chalkpaint.

All done!

And I love how it looks.
There is something magical about water.

If you're having trouble figuring out what it says here you go:

Water is magical, especially old water
In overgrown lakes... 
They collect time, history, myths... 
Expectations & Dreams.