
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Argh! Scandalous, No More British Cadbury Chocolate!

Today is a sad and upsetting day!

Not only have I been living off salad's  and a low calorie diet plan this past week and a half with the goal of shedding my unwanted, stubborn pounds and with the light at the end of the tunnel being, a bar of the most yummy milk chocolate from Cadbury. Then Bam... 

I find out from a friend back home in Britain that HERSHEY has made a deal with two of the largest imports of British Chocolates to BAN all Cadbury, even,  Kit-kat, Yorkie, Rolo's and Maltesers!! And will that be all? What else will they ban!

Read about it HERE,  HERE and HERE

WHAT THE HECK, right.  Will they try to ban Lindt, or Swiss chocolate? Or any other creamy milk chocolate?

I'm sorry, but I really don't like the Hershey Chocolate. Sorry to all those who grew up in the states and love it.

I grew up in Britain and for me British Cadbury Chocolate is a must and in times of need!! Like setting up the Christmas tree at Christmas, Easter, and any other time Lol.... It's a Cabury Bar I reach for. I use the crumbly Flake bar's and Maltesers on top of my yummy desserts and they make wonderful treats for dear friends, even at a higher price here that I pay in the U.S. 

That is a price I'm willing to pay!

But now with this ban..... What will happen. Bootlegging Cadbury Chocolate? Having to pay a hefty price for my family to ship me some over?

My wonderful Hubby, has said for now while I can still buy it here for the short term :( in the states, for me to stock up - mind you that does not mean blow the budget! But I shall get a good stock, until they stop selling. Then I shall resort to groveling to family members back home to send me some of my most loved Chocolate - British Cadbury.

BUT JUST INCASE you have no-one that can post you some Cadbury Chocolate then click HERE and you can have a box shipped to you all the way from Britian! Now, Hershey can't ban that, can they?

But if you are an ex-pat like me living in the states, you can have a say and sign a petition Click

Protest Hersheys Lawsuit against British Chocolate  Importers

Hershey Co, the American chocolate giant have filed lawsuits against British importers LBB Imports LLC (Let’s Buy British), and Posh Nosh Imports accusing the companies of infringing multiple trademarks.
 So, if one of your weaknesses comes in the shape of a Toffee Crisp, Maltesers, Yorkie, Cadbury, or Rolo your taste buds may soon be challenged.

That's why I signed a petition to John P. Bilbrey, CEO Hersheys, which says:

"Support LBB and ALL Brit businesses in the U.S. by protesting Hershey's actions."

Will you sign this petition? Click here:

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Whole Foods = Empty Purse!


Today I received a text message from my good friend Jessica. Her words were, "I laughed so hard, got to love Whole Foods."

So, I clicked on the link and began to read.

I too laughed so hard at this article. How many of us know exactly what this lady Kelly Maclean writes about on a trip to her Huge Whole Foods Store.

Click HERE to read the article.

I too have nearly choked back my words of HOW MUCH!! When I see the total of three items!
 And that's just the bread.

 I must say this though, I do like shopping at Whole Foods even on a student budget :/
 I wish that one day I could do a big shop there, but I know that would probably bomb our checking account to a big fat ZERO!! Lol

But, remember this, watch out for us ladies with toddlers in tow crossing the parking lot, when you are in 'looking for an empty parking spot frenzy! :)

Monday, January 12, 2015

Why Doesn't A Story, Read Like A Published Novel?

I often get emails from this online writing page:

It is a wonderful site and shares savvy writing tips and the one I just read was about,

Such insight into 'WHY' our works in progress, our finished first, second, third or tenth draft isn't quite right.
This article will step you on the right path, even if it's the longest path on our way to our writing success.

What can we learn from this article

A Plethora of writing tips and knowledge.

Our Little Tinkers: Seren & Carys

Not too much to say, as the pictures tell the story.

Fun in the Snow

Thursday, January 8, 2015

So Cold

Today is even colder than yesterday! 
-10+ and with the wind chill added in it feels more like -28! 

How crazy is that and get this, the Madison school district only closes the school 
When it's -35 Celsius!

Not quite cold yet to freeze water instantly!

This is what I look like just taking out the trash as well as driving the car only until the car warms then the hat, scarf and gloves come off.

And No, I don't have a beard! It's just my hair :)

How's the weather where you are? 

How I long for the warm Rays of the sun and sandy white beaches right about now.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Blooming Cold

An arctic cold front is here again and it's so bitterly cold outside its crazy. If you have sniffle in your nose be prepared for them to freeze just walking to the car!

Seren still managed to make a snow angel though!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Seren and Carys

I just had to write this down before I forgot. During dinner tonight Jason and I were discussing my book and Seren said, "I don't like Pamp-pires (meaning Vampires) I like Monsters!"
 To which, Jason and I started laughing. 

How cute is it when your children are learning how to roll their tongue around certain  alphabet letters and words.

Our nearly three years old is another who sounds cute and makes me laugh whenever she say's a word that begins or had the letter L in in.

Laurie becomes Waurie
Love becomes Wove you
Tree becomes Twee

You get the gist :)

Simply Adorable

A New Day, A New Year.

A New Year, brings about new year's resolutions, goals thought of and planned and in some cases, unfulfilled, (yes, even by me) and of course for those who like to have a drink or two; a hangover.

For me, it's more of fall asleep before midnight and waking numerous times thanks to little knees and feet pushing on my back and little hands splayed across my face, those feet and hands, not my hubby's but our little tinker, Carys.

Yet, today is a brand new day and I started it off with two little girls wanting breakfast, then breaking up squabbles between Seren and Carys about who gets the all the playdoh! With that all sorted, I sipped a warm cup of ginger and honey herbal tea. Next on my list of to-do's, WORK ON MY BOOK. 

While the girls busied themselves with the building blocks, I got down to brass tacks and started writing. 
As a rule, I don't make resolutions anymore after many good hearted attempts in which resulted in I'll start tomorrow on repeat, especially where chocolate is concerned Lol but what I am going to do is tackle every NEW and do my best :) 

If that means, only a couple of paragraphs of my book get written due to spending time on my hands and knees playing with the girls and their toys, so be it. I shall not call that being lazy and unproductive. 
If it means, less time making things or blogging on my blog, then so be it. I have to finish my first draft!

 I have a way to go! But I can do it.

If you are in the throngs of writing a book of your own then good for you. 
If you are waiting in the starting block and are nervous, waiting for the gun to sound, don't wait. 
JUST GO for it.

Sitting there staring at a blank screen can and is daunting to say the least, however, don't let that stop you. You have a story to tell, write it. 

Here is a great article from Brian Klems on writing tips for writing true events into Fiction.
Click HERE to read 

And also by Brian Klems, 50 Articles on Writing to help you write
Click HERE to read